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Monday, September 18, 2017

Exactly one year ago.

Written @ 12:00 AM Photobucket
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Two weeks

Two weeks since 16/8/17. 3 days since we last spoke. Two weeks since I last saw your smile. I seem to be alternating between feeling better and crying every other day. I just want to see your smile again T.T Missing you so badly it hurts so much. I don't even know how my body still has tears left. Appetite seems to be a bit better now? Idk how I'm going to survive buffet two days later.

Written @ 9:26 PM Photobucket
Saturday, August 26, 2017

1. Better communication. Be more open and understanding. Suggest a compromise
2. Forgive, learn, improve. Forget the things we're not happy about from before, learn and improve from it (say that you don't like something or take action). Don't keep holding grudges on things that happened months ago
3. Love each other, support each other. Do things that would make the other happy, appreciate the other for the things they do for you
4. Bonding activities. Games etc.

Written @ 4:48 PM Photobucket
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Day 6??

Why do parents feel the need to blame the other party? There's two people in the relationship.

Feeling okay now. Hugs are welcomed. Wish I already believed. Would have saved me a lot of heartache and I think I would have been happier. :(

Written @ 11:11 AM Photobucket
Monday, August 21, 2017

Finally properly broke down after days of trying to hold it in. After today's work distraction removed any available time for moping. Watching sea games made me the most peaceful for the past few days. But trying to hold back the tears watching them win, which would usually not be the case.

Touched that people actually care. Even if they don't know me well.
10 min of breakdown. I don't know how I'm even functioning at work and putting on this fake smile

Written @ 10:08 PM Photobucket
Saturday, August 19, 2017
Day 3

Thankful for work to distract me and company of friends. Feeling lost without anyone to talk to. No work to distract me during weekends T.T No motivation to do anything. No more motivation in life. What's the point of money without anyone to spend it with? Or anyone to do things with?

I guess you're coping better since you actually have things to do. While I'm here sitting at some random starbucks with my phone

Written @ 4:03 PM Photobucket
Thursday, August 17, 2017
Day 1

Somehow managed to get through the day. Don't know how I managed to nap otw to work though took the longer route to walk to have more time to myself. Want to just be left alone but time with colleagues and juniors kept my mind occupied. Until I saw the mutual friend who knew we liked each other before we became official. Until my mind reminded me of how nice and welcoming his mum was to me. Even before she knew he liked me. How she even gave me a pair of slippers to wear at theirs. Trying to ask me about my life though I can't explain it to her.

People will tell you that there are other fish in the ocean. But it's also true that there are limited options (or no options) after uni is over. Nearly 23 and approaching the optimum marriage age. If I get knocked down by a car, would he visit me in hospital?

Feeling really grateful to friends who helped me through the previous time. Especially the one who called me with his prepaid card for more than an hour when we've never htht-ed before. And the one who insisted on interrupting my crying time and hugging me while I cried. Uni life was good. At least I could distract myself with modules and extra curricular activities. And had friends to keep me occupied. Working at school is just going to remind me of you. Back to school tomorrow. At least I know your schedule well enough to know that I won't be on the same train as you.

Written @ 10:45 PM Photobucket
Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Thank you for the past year. Thank you for caring about me and showing me how to love you. Thank you for tolerating me when I fail to show you sufficient care. Thank you for indulging me in what I want to do even when you're not feeling well. Thank you for the good memories, especially the origami date. I wished that I'd be happy, and probably to do well in school. Thank you for making me the happiest I've ever been. Thank you for supporting me through FYP and giving me something to look forward to while rushing work. I wish I could have made you happier. I wish I could guarantee that I'd believe but if it were that easy I'd have done so years ago. I have been thinking about it for you, but been feeling neglected and sad in recent weeks, didn't feel loved enough to. Then I try to get you to talk to me but you just didn't want to. I wish things could have been simpler. Thank you for a year of memories. I hope I have impacted you positively somehow. Good luck for your next 2 years. I'll miss you. When you tell your mum please help me thank her for being so nice to me.

Written @ 10:31 PM Photobucket
Monday, January 26, 2015
Hi again

3 years since I last posted something here... Well, got busy, forgot about the blog, then email sign in problems... Life has changed a lot. Did As, got into uni, currently dying in uni. Learnt a lot on the way, and made many memories to keep. Facebook's become more of a mini-blog. Or perhaps I should say that WhatsApp convos are now the blog.

It's been a year since it all started. 6 months today since that day. The day which started off with me going to the lab on a Saturday, smiling at squirrels on the way to lab, a normal day at the lab with biofilms, feeling like I was on clouds at the beginning of the night, then down a roller coaster which crashed into the sea at the end of the night. No idea how I'm still able to cope with this never-ending emotional roller coaster. It's like a sine curve that initially started at 0 radians, then goes up and down and up and down and simply never stops. Given that I have friends who resorted to attempting suicide/cut themselves when they can't seem to cope, I'm glad that I won't resort to such stuff. Even though my heart has been cut into tiny pieces and even tinier pieces each time we talk about that. A month since we last discussed that, if I even count that as a discussion. More of a mention perhaps. Sometimes it's just so confusing I just want to press that imaginary "stop" button. Unfortunately it doesn't exist. Neither does an "unlike" button. You probably don't realise how much it warms my heart to know that you still care. Then I fall more for you each time. But it's so incredibly confusing. You want to bring me and my family around another country in 11 months' time? Who knows where we'll stand then when you'll be away for like 7-8 months. I didn't expect you to continue with "with your parents and sis" when you said you wanted to bring me to see that place. Enjoyed the secret stolen periods with you this sem thus far and hating on our complementary timetables. As secret as bumping into mutual friends far from Science gets anyway. You're still making it seem like there's a possibility that one day I'll dine with your family, and you know that bringing someone of the opposite gender back to meet the family means something so idk why you still mention that... And the brilliant smiles when we meet away from the public eye... Even after 6 months, I still hope. Because that's what's getting me through. Hope that over time I'll recover from the damage you've caused and the slight probability that we will get what we desire. But no matter whether we manage to stay in contact through WhatsApp/Facebook/Skype for the next 11 months, there'll always be a part of me that remembers you as my first love, even after I've locked our memories together in this box in my heart labelled with your name. Sometimes I get so amused by the drama in our lives till I laugh to myself that I can write a book about our story. But stories are stories, and they usually contain happy endings. And this will probably not have a happy ending. Although I don't foresee myself falling out of love with you anytime soon or whatever we have left falling apart, hopefully, the next time I remember I have a blog again, I'll be feeling better. :) It's been a great one year with you and your company, support and care, and even with all the ups and downs, I wouldn't trade it for the world. :) I'd be rich by now if I got $1 for every drop of tear I shed over you in the past 6 months. It's not your fault that we're both hurting, I'm glad we established that. :) And so this part of our story ends with our exit from what brought us together, which was how it all began, in my opinion. I'll see you later and act like I don't remember anything, though that day will be fresh in my mind the whole day.

6 months. 26th July 2014.

Only daring to post this here as no one will come here, and even if someone decides to drop by, those who knew this link don't know you. Hopefully I'll never reveal to you that I have a blog...

Written @ 12:38 AM Photobucket
Thursday, August 9, 2012

90 days or so to As. (I'm not keeping track) I'm so screwed, need start studying sooooon D:

Written @ 4:24 PM Photobucket